To My World Where Being Confuzzled Is As Natural As Breathing

Nov 28, 2009

Busy Weekend From Malang To Surabaya

Happy Eid Mubarak, people (I know it's late but bear with me)! Managed to wake up with only 2hours of sleep to pray at the main field in campus. Couldn't hear the Imam because of bad sound system (hope God accept my Sholat)

And long weekend had begun. It started with failing my goal (nothing new there) and that means losing a lot of money *sucks* and then today travelled to and fro Malang - Surabaya - Malang because I forgot (not forgot but stupidly misplaced) my ATM card and CC. It takes 2 hours or about to get to Surabaya from here by bus, longer by train. The day started fine, good news had lighten the doom hovering on one of my most stressing matter and then I was planning to watch a movie or two (New Moon is still NOT out in Malang) and then do a check for ISC which would make me have to stay over night in Surabaya. Don't mind whatsoever, need the distraction.

Nov 23, 2009

New Blog And No Life

Yup~ Made a new one, this time it's wordpress,, if you ask what with the name, I have to answer.. beat me.. Tried many different names.. again.. and they have them all.. Sucks if you're not creative like me. So, wordpress more of hmm business? While blogspot is personal in a way ^_^

Anyway, I'm off to keep ruining my life even worse than I had done. Been thinking how lame life is, and how really sucks being me. At the end of my rope, fingers cross, to survive another day.

Nov 20, 2009

About 2012 Movie - 2009

Just watched 2012 last night, till I fell asleep (that's how boring and unrealistic it was). Don't understand why  some people in one of the Islamic organization here would forbid people to watch it. Bet they haven't watched it so they got worried. Coz if they had, they would laugh their asses off. People even teens nowadays are smart and instead of telling people not to watch (which make them more curious), these people should use the movie to educate. And seriously, it's overrated

Firstly, the visual effects (I love these things, usually). The movie's visual effects suck big time. It's lame because it's sooo fake. I dunno what the director was thinking. I thought the main point of visual effects are to make the - nearly and - impossible stuffs believable which they fail to do here.

Second and third, OMG another suckie script doubly worse because the actors can't deliver it well. 

Then again, it's my opinion. Dunno about you guys but seriously, if you want to waste 2.5 hours of your life, go watch it ^_^ Each to it's own, right?

Nov 18, 2009

Stupid Black Out And A Nice Week


BLACK OUT!! every afternoon and now at night too.. We, Indonesian calls it "byar pet." Last night byar pet was damn annoying. Off when I was playing a game then on in less than  10minutes, off again the next 10 minutes then on again after around 10-15minutes.. THEN off again.. Seriously annoying...

Anyway, hoping to go home earlier this week ^_^ Three YAYs for certificate days.

On a side note, check it out, this blog, MY blog has come up in third if you do a google search, you see it, right there ^_^. I was sooo excited and happy. Then again, who would browse for a confuzzled world but, meh, who cares.

Nov 16, 2009

Scam Google Provision

Kalau lihat website ini nih, cepet mundur deh. Gw terpaksa blokir CC dan untungnya baru hilang US$5. Gw baca di net ternyata banyak yang hilang berjut-jut gara2 nih web.

Gw ngak tahu kenapa, kok baca langsung tertarik padahal biasanya gw nyari2 internet dulu (namanya desperate kali yah). Langsung masukin nomer CC. Tapi ngak mikir2 lagi. Malamnya, gw niat mau buka2 tuh website sambil pelajarin. Pembelajarannya ngak jelas alias mendasar banget trus gw kan juga pesen 2 barang lain, tapi di download ngak mau. Terus gw iseng mau lihat siapa sih Lastri Purba blognya web bikin gw tertarik. Gw deleted tuh link jadi tinggal, nothing opens.

Masih belum curiga, gw coba segala macam akhirnya gw google deh tuh nama. Masa iya, dapat segitu banyak ngak booming. Googled nama lastri purba, ada netlog, temennya.. 1 orang. Mulai penasaran.. Gw ngotot, cari nama tuh website google provision. waah, muncul deh SCAM!

Gw mikir, iya juga ya, kalo bener orang Indonesia kok ya websitenya pakai bahasa bule. Lagian tuh muka Indonesia total, tapi Englishnya mancung aje.

Beneran deh, biasanya gw tuh ya hati2 kalau soal2 beginian, tapi ya kok kena juga. Buru2 telpon CC, tapi pengalaman nih (yang kedua kali dengan CC dari dua bank berbeda), yang ngeluarin CC di Indonesia ngak mau ngerti. Bukannya customer di bantu dengan memblok pembayaran itu, tapi mereka cuma bisa bilang, "Kami tidak bisa cancel tapi ibu harus cancel sendiri ke merchant-nya".

Mau teriak ngak sih.. Ini dah dagdigdug, dah jelas2 kena scam bukannya dibantuin biar orang jahat ngak menang, malah kita yang kena. Dua kali kejadian tapi untuk yang ini gw cuma di kasih solusi, di blokir dan kemudian ganti kartu. Busyet dah, sial bgt akhir2 ini.

Black Out.. Again!!

God damn it! I lost a lot of prospective money... No thanx to you, PLN! Seriously, the only company IN Indonesia keeps claiming that they're loosing money. If this continues, if they can't be more professional, I prefer private companies to handle our electricity. Liat aja, terusin ngeluh loosing money dan padamkan listrik, lama2 rakyat akan terlalu muak untuk menerima this excuse, and see where you're going to be ended up.

College Humor, Great For Stress Relieve

I stumbled on College Humor by accident. When I was pimping for viscans boys (m3rra mostly) I saw this hilarious tube. From that moment on, I was hooked.

They usually post on youtube but I found out that they have their own sites (yea, I'm late to fins this site, so what?!)

Here's one of the funniest sketch that they did.

Nov 15, 2009

Bye Bye Weekend, Stupid Flu

Hari Jumat, gw langsung tewas was. Hari Sabtu, bangun hidung sniffed sniffed diselingi hatcoo.. Keliatan deh arah this weekend. Lying with tissue ;___;

Beneran aja, hari ini, Minggu, gw dan ngebunuh buanyak sekali pohon kalo loe bisa lihat banyaknya tissue berserakan. Batuk bukan sembarang batuk, tapi batuk spewing mucus (eewww). Hatchi hatchy kind of batuk not uhuk uhuk.

Tadi ke Ramayana @downtown, beli mat yang bisa di bongkar pasang, warna biru. Kepikiran, akhir2 ini ketiduran di karpet mlulu, mungkin kalo karpetnya dialasin tuh mat jadi lebih empuk. Wishful thinking ngk ya?

Nov 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Dearest Alex

This song is for my friend Alex.

Happy birthday, hope you enjoy this beautiful song that is as beautiful as your personality ^_^

Cancel Website Pulsa Habis

Setelah mikir-mikir akhirnya keputusan untuk meng cancel langganan domain lewat .ws nya GDI. seriously cuman 17 hit terus ngak ada lagi, ngapain diterusin toh? Akhirnya gw ganti tagihan dari CC ke Paypal biar gampang berhentiinnya walaupun dah kena USD10 di CC.

Nelpon pake XL ke

Nov 11, 2009

Capek Kenyang N Ngantuk

Hari ini mulai ngajar jam 4.30 tapi sudah nongkrong di kantor dari jam 1an. Kerajinan ngak yah?

Terus mulai maag lagi, Dian ngajak makan, jadi deh masak Mie Beras Rose Brand dan Mie Gepeng Gaga (iya di campur langsung dua-duanya). Kayaknya sih dulu gw baca ngak boleh kalau maag kambuh makan instant noodle tapi berhubung lagi bangkrut mood, beggars can't be choosers alias terima aja dah kalo loe tuh mmang kaga punya duit, ngemis kok milih2 :D Kadang gw seneng deh baca peribahasa Inggris soalnya enak-enak didenger (tapi mungkin juga karena bahasa Indonesia is a darn hard language to learnt, seriously!)

Habis makan noodle balik ke laptop yang dah gw nyalain begitu gw nyampe tadi sambil mikir2 motor siapa yah yang bisa dipinjem buat ke BCA sambil menguap lebar2..

Dah dapat pinjeman nih hanya dengan nanya "Ta, boleh pinjem motor mo ke BCA?" and di jawab, "Sure." Nyahahahahaha, pamit dulu deh.. See you all yah.

Nov 10, 2009

Bitchy Days

For the last several weeks, the schedules' got to be the bitchiest ones. Usually God have mercy on me and it would only be hours of a day or two of trial, but this time two full days are full.. FULLL with smart asses I have the misfortune to teach;

Beautiful Song - Her Morning Elegance

Found this from tracing a link that Oxymoron gave. Worth delaying sleeping for and seriously it's a damn interesting video with one of the nicest songs ever heard.

Nov 9, 2009

Need Sleep...

Just got home, tummy has been acting weird, two people that I would love to avoid came by..

Now.. It's time to.. sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

Google Said WTH Are You Talking About

I've been trying to spot this blog with google barely what you called a success!

  • First, I put in confuzzled-world, blogspot, nadia which resulted in my lifejournal about the blog...
  • Second, I typed in confuzzled-world, blogspot, dogs training, lots of results and until result page 8 no sign of the blog ;__;
  • Then it was confuzzled-world, blogspot, one point of view which resulted in 2800 results and still doesn't spot this blog until I gave up in page 8.
  • After that it was "confuzzled-world", blogspot, one point of view which resulted in a single result and obviously not mine.
  • Finally it was "confuzzled-world", blogspot, pets around the world which resulted in one blessfully almost empty result which featured - yes - my very own blog! Joy to the world~

I'm pretty sure the blog should have been easier to find, if only people would comment on them! Seriously, help me out here PLUS you don't have to sign up to comment. How much clearer do I have to be? Desperate here!!

Pets Around The World

As promised.. Here's the pictures of my friends' and my pets. So you know these animals do exist, scattered around the world. *I put in Cheesy Line and Trivia if you know cheesier line or the answer to the Trivia, post it in comment*

Ochi's Puppies
Pitucha And Dengosa

Part Time Jobs with ISC

It's annoying to forget the time.. I forgot that most of my friends on IRC live in more than 5 hours different time zones and I forgot that I have a part time job as an International Service Check coordinator in the morning. Shouldn't have stayed up chatting until two and then remembered, haven't done some of the certificates (for my full time job) that I should have submitted last month.

Ochi gave me the bad bad news that Manchester United LOST! I have this believe - it's stupid but I believe in it anyway - That don't tell me when Man Utd is going to play because just by thinking about it, they'll loose. Unless of course, I'm at home. Then I just have to watch with Dad and lil bro.

Working as ISC coordinator means

Nice Music Hawt Men

Found this a few weeks ago in youtube while pimping for the boys in IRC, they're not into men ofc. As a treat for myself I searched and searched and came across this music that's a remake (if I'm not mistaken). Unfortunately can't upload this video from youtube coz' the embedding is disabled however nice person that I am, just click the tittle and you'll see why I decided to put this video as my first youtube blog.

Great music, really nice to listen to and great great clips... Now I know what I want for my next birthday.. The guy with the tattoo :p

Nov 8, 2009

Reading Is A Passion

I have been reading novels almost all my life. Specifically romantic novels (in it's original language English, coz I found the translated versions quite frankly sucks). The first novel I read was Sandra Brown's "Where There's Smoke" when I was in the 12th Grade (Third Grade SMA) that I borrowed from my neighbour who is married to an Australian. Boy, was I hooked since then on. I looked for that novel for years (from 1995) and found


I was talking to the-one in vis (well, more like spamming msgs) when suddenly... Tummy rolls inside and burns, a sure sign that hunger is at bay or my ulcer is acting out (one and the same problem).

Too lazy to dress up to go out but too lazy to go down the stairs to wash the dishes so these following actions can be done:
  • buy edible food, or
  • cook instant noodle, or as a last resort
  • drink my meal as I have been  doing when I got desperate for food (no, it's not alcohol >_<)
And... (ohhh the horrors!) got no more cookies in the room (have been hibernating for the last 4 days so, ofc cookies as main food so far, got demolished quite thoroughly). What to do, what to do..

Sidebar Is Missing And Jump Down To The Bottom Of The Blog

OMG! How many hours have been wasted just to find out what the heck happened to the sidebar?!! OK, for those who have the same problem as I was, lucky you..

You post in your blog and then you tinkered your widgets when you view your site this happened:

Sidebar slides down and stays down at the bottom of the blog.

Nov 7, 2009

Training Dogs Part II

Have you ever wondered why even though you yelled so loud your dog still does whatever it wants to do? 

To answer that, I present you the next set of training for our dogs. These trainings will help our pets to be happy and healthy while we still  hold the upper hands. Read this and if it helps you understand your dog more and helps you in training your dog successfully, please leave a comment. Have fun!

Exasperated By Templates

When I was begging my friends on IRC to comment in my blog, one of them, Kakku said "I'll check your blog if you check mine." I'd do anything to get people to come to my blog so I said sure, why not. And when I opened her blog, OMG! She has a really really cute template.

I was drolling by the time I snapped myself of staring at her template. I asked her ASAP where could she get such cute templates.

Getting Older?


Three days not touching substantial food and I'm still not ravenously hungry. What's wrong with me. Last time I ate fried rice and chicken, they didn't
taste as good as they usually do. I want to be healthy again! Or young!

I don't feel old but somehow, it feels like I can't eat as much as I used to. Gimme back my appetite!!!

Training Dogs Part I

Now, I feel guilty for talking a lot about Cimol but just a tiny bit about Choco. Choco is our 12 years old dog. He's gentle, he doesn't bite (except me), doesn't lick people (except me) and he knows several commands.

He knows how to sleep, stand, jump, shakes hands with the appropriate front leg (the right one that is) on commands as well as a bit of spotting (mainly his cookies) base on our waving the area from afar. As much as I'm proud that Choco is so intelligent but I can't say that he gets all this skill ingrained by birth. No. It took some discipline teaching by my brother and a bit of a spoiling by me. Choco is closest to me even though I only stay 2 weeks at the most at home nowadays, he would still prefer to go to me when being called by not just me.

If you want to have the perfect bond with your dog and give it a proper

Meet Our Kitten

OK, if you're wondering who is this "cute neko" above, that's Cimol. Our Kitten at home. It's been almost 4 months since I was at home, not really sure whether Cimol is still considered a kitten. Hmm, FOUR months sure feel like more than half a year. I miss my family and home.

This is the story of Cimol, our

Asal Muasal - Beginilah Ceritanya

Suer-suer deh, bingung kok yang lain bisa begitu mudahnya membuat interesting website.

Gue ngabisin 3 minggu untuk membuat "the" website. Bukan templatenya atau pengaturan ini itunya, tapi untuk contentnya. Dalam 3 minggu gue selesai membuat 3 websites dan
telah dengan sukses menghapus dua diantaranya. Dan setiap mengedit

Google Says