To My World Where Being Confuzzled Is As Natural As Breathing

Mar 29, 2010

Metode Langsing Dalam 10/11 Hari Online Scam?

Beberapa minggu lalu saya baca metode langsing dalam 10 hari di Facebook, penasaran dengan hanya 80rb-an bisa turun 3kg++ tiap minggu.. Terus kirim email tanya2 dibalas dengan lumayan cepat. Karena sedang tidak punya uang jadi mikirnya "ahh nanti aja deh".

Nah, siang ini baca lagi, metode langsing 11 hari.. Baca2 websitenya kok kaya pernah tahu gitu.. Dipikir2 mirip sama yg 10hari, cuman nambah 1 hari doang and harganya 90rb-an.. Akhirnya google metode langsing yg sbelumnya dan dapat paling atas tapi begitu di klik.. nothing!

Ini jangan2 scam lagi deh, bgitu pikir saya.. Jadi kalo diluaran ada yang pernah ikutan nih metode2 dan beneran bukan scam alias berhasil, kasih tahu dong ke kita2.. Kalo saya pribadi sih lebih baik ikutan minuman2 organik yang bisa bikin metabolisme kita baik lagi dah terbukti sama saya sendiri, tapi memang maknyus sih mahalnya. Makanya ane pun tidak beli lagi nunggu dapet rejeki lebih untuk mulai lagi, hehehehehe..

Mar 20, 2010

Decision Decision

Whats the difficult part about making a decision? The making of it... *sighs*

Found this cheap digital camera site and been thinking to buy it.. but then when doing checks its difficult to take pics with a digital camera.. Ppl might think I'm a terrorist taking pics for the next bombing target -.-;

So, it's either buying a cheap cheap cheap 400K dual CDMA+GSM mobile plus a 180K digital camera or get a second dual mobile with camera..

Inputs, anyone?

Mar 19, 2010

Bye Bye Mobile.. Selamat Tinggal HP-ku..

Dijambret lagi, dijambret lagi.. Memang nasib seorang manusia itu tidak ada yang tahu..

Katanya gw kurang berdoa dan shalat.. unfortunately it's true -.-

So, this is saying "bye bye" mobile.. bought the expensive or the cheap ones.. will end up the same.. becomes someone else's -hopefully- rice for the next few weeks.. and not ended up as someone's gambling fund *crosses fingers*

Well, aside from that, I've talked to my personal umm "psycholog" and she said I shouldn't think only logically. Still has no idea what she meant. While another person I asked said "think carefully about it" <-- based on the first person's insigh and advice.

So, contemplation time.. Crying not because of the mobile, more like because the realization that.. Damn I'm nothing.. Got nothing.. Make nothing.. NOTHING..

A sad day in one's life...

Mar 18, 2010

Headache oh headache

Coz of a week off work a few months ago because of painful headache, now I know.. If headache starts, go to the neurologist :)

First, they gave me two kinds of med, the nuclear bomb and the nuclear missiles.. worked! ofc.. then they reduced the missiles to machine gun, still works.. and everytime I came back, they would prescribed the machine guns.. The prescribed med, has caffeine in it, so I figured, drink coffee no headache.. Guess what.. WRONG! meh.. And the apothecary told me, if I want another batch of that med, need to go to the neurologist again coz one of the ingridients is listed and must be noted..

Headache oh headache.. time for another med~

Mobile Posting

I'm posting using mobile o: was reading about posting using sms, but after read and reread still have no idea the gibberish they are talking in the direction. How the heck to post using sms/text w/out having a new blog. I've got more than I can chew tyvm w/out adding more blog to maintain. help, please, anyone?

update: ahhhh, got it how to post on blog using SMS, but meh.. it'll cost more than just to go online and post, consider how many characters needed to type this post times the cost of texting.. online FTW

Mystery Shopping, A Way To Earn Pocket Money~

Hehehehehe, kalo baca topiknya ngak penasaran wah terjun aja deh ke laut. Jaman gini mah jamannya belanja dibayarin, bukan dibayarin bokap, atau makan gratis, bukan karena si bokin yang ngeluarin dokat juga. Masa denger gini masih ngak penasaran sih?

Ok, gw ceritain nih asal muasalnya. Gw sih penasaran awalnya gara2 nonton sitcom, lupa judulnya, disitu anaknya belanja kok malah dapet duit, dan bukan gesek Cash BCA loh, hehehe. Dah dpt baju2 baru eh dibayar, penasaran dong. Gw usut mengusut, ketemu deh yang namanya

Mar 17, 2010

Busy Days

My friend asked me to sell a new Swarovski mobile strap. It's cute but not my thing.. For those who are interested and happen to be in DKI Jakarta, give me a ring and buy it, please.. *puppies eyes mode - ON*

Another friend was shocked that my blog is still alive.. Me too for that matter ;D Life is so busy that no time to update whats happening *read that - too

Google Says