To My World Where Being Confuzzled Is As Natural As Breathing

Mar 19, 2010

Bye Bye Mobile.. Selamat Tinggal HP-ku..

Dijambret lagi, dijambret lagi.. Memang nasib seorang manusia itu tidak ada yang tahu..

Katanya gw kurang berdoa dan shalat.. unfortunately it's true -.-

So, this is saying "bye bye" mobile.. bought the expensive or the cheap ones.. will end up the same.. becomes someone else's -hopefully- rice for the next few weeks.. and not ended up as someone's gambling fund *crosses fingers*

Well, aside from that, I've talked to my personal umm "psycholog" and she said I shouldn't think only logically. Still has no idea what she meant. While another person I asked said "think carefully about it" <-- based on the first person's insigh and advice.

So, contemplation time.. Crying not because of the mobile, more like because the realization that.. Damn I'm nothing.. Got nothing.. Make nothing.. NOTHING..

A sad day in one's life...


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